Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Happy Diwali!

Yes, yes I know. I have been a bit lax in the writing. I blame Matt (the London transfer), who has been dragging me around Delhi on his final "best food in town" tour of Delhi.

This weekend I am going to Mumbai for Diwali...or rather in 2 hours. Hence the abbreviated nature of this post. I am heading to visit my friend Ruchi and celebrate Diwali. It's just like Christmas with great meals, lights, and presents. There is also a lot of firecrackers...the first time I heard the sound I ducked behind my couch and covered my head, convinced I was stuck in a gang fight. In actuality, children play with firecrackers and toy guns filled with powder in the streets. I am almost certain that 1 out of 5 children will lose an appendage on Diwali. Everyone at work says I am over-estimating it by a bit.
Below are the pictures from the office (we decorated our bay...note the Christmas tree on the table...that was my idea) and the office party. No, the swastika does not mean what you think it means. Yes: I dressed the Diwali part!

1 comment:

Mishi said...

Hope you are having fun! Sorry I missed our call (I was mooching dinner at Ghey's house. mmm...dinner.)