Not quite always, evidently.
But we had a good time with our little tour of Jeju. For three days, we traveled around with a whole bunch of other English speakers from around the world (generally English teachers, like Mishi) and had a bunch of wacky adventures. I mean, like, a LOT of wacky adventures. This trip was nonstop wacky adventures. I didn't know it was possible to cram so much wacky adventure into three days, or onto a relatively small island in the East China Sea.
DAY ONE: We visited the Trick Art Museum, a museum full of wall paintings designed for us to insert ourselves into the middle of them for funny photo-ops (pictures here.) We went horseback riding, and we hiked Sunrise Mountain, a small peak on the east side of the island (pictures here.) In the evening we had a nice Christmas dinner (though it was Korean food so not quite the Christmas dinner you might expect) along with a white elephant gift exchange and a bunch of karaoke (pictures here.) Thanks Mishi for putting up all these pictures!
DAY TWO: We visited a Chinese circus, which featured a lot of people balancing carefully on top of other people, and also people driving motorcycles around inside a metal sphere. We visited a green tea farm and museum, which was kind of less than ideal because snow was falling on all the green tea plants, but whatever. We went on another short hike, and we walked through a botanical garden.
DAY THREE: We walked along the cliffs on the southern side of Jeju island and saw some cool rock formations. Check it out:
Lastly, we went to LoveLand, a very strange and amusing tourist site dedicated to human sexuality in all its forms. It consists mostly of a bunch of erotic outdoor sculptures. None of our pictures from here are G-rated, but if you do an image search for "Jeju LoveLand" you'll get the idea.
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