We went from the most developed city in Southeast Asia to one of the least. However, despite the fact that Siem Reap, Cambodia lacked Singapore's infrastructure (and malls), it still had weird elements of the first world. Beautiful four and five-star hotels built for wealthy foreignors dotted the landscape, while the Cambodias lived in one room shacks on stilts. You can't go more than 5 feet in Siem Reap without running into a tourist. I am just fine with that :)
Some of the exciting events:
Josh was jealous of my cheap Indian pedicure so he went for some fish reflexology (ew!). His feet were the most popular in Cambodia: we did not see anyone else's feet with even close to the number of fishies eating dead flesh. Another ew.

I ate Cambodian food- and it was pretty good. It was even in a coconut...that means the food is 10X better than if it were not in a coconut, obviously.

There is a "floating village" in Cambodia where all the houses are on boats on a river. It's safer than building on the riverbank because of the huge floods. Makes it hard to get indoor electricity though.

The reason why we went to Cambodia: Angkor Wat. A great temple constructed by a ruler of the Khmer civilization in 12th century. There were a couple of other temples too, including one with banyan trees growing through it. So cool.

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