Wednesday, December 29, 2010
Dr. Paulose's Amazing Tour of Wonders!
Thursday, December 23, 2010
Kerala: God's Own Country
Another explorer, who did a better job of getting where he was going, was Vasco da Gama. Da Gama sailed to Kerala from Portugal in 1498 and established a Portuguese colony here. He died in Kochi and was entombed in St. Francis Church - which we visited.
Saturday, December 18, 2010
More Delhi tourism
Humayun's Tomb. This is the final resting place of Humayun, a Mughal emperor in the 16th century, and it was the architectural inspiration for Humayun's great-grandson, Shah Jahan, who built the Taj Mahal in Agra.
Mackenzie just has to do that little touristy wave wherever we go.
The mall is ALWAYS crowded around here.
The famous Baha'i "Lotus Temple". Unfortunately we arrived after it closed (great timing) so this is as close as we got.
Next stop: Kerala!
Friday, December 17, 2010
I'm baaaaaaack...

In her previous post, Mackenzie told you about her upcoming travels. What she neglected to mention is that Josh will be traveling with her. That's right - I've just flown in from the States, and I'm ready for adventure. Mackenzie and I are leaving in a few days to visit Jayson in Kerala. Then we'll be flying out to South Korea to visit Michelle; we plan to spend Christmas Day on the beautiful getaway of Jeju Island. After that we'll fly down to Thailand, where we'll take a few days in Bangkok and then spend New Year's Eve on a tropical beach in the south of the country.
We will be blogging about our travels (or rather, I will be blogging, since SOMEbody needs to post in a timely manner.) So keep an eye out!
Tuesday, December 14, 2010
Where O where did Mackenzie go?
Some highlights coming up: I promise pictures and tales from The Jungle Book, my trip to the Ranthambore Tiger Reserve as well as some Delhi tourism fun. In two days I am off to visit my friend Jayson in Cochin, Kerala (sunny place near where we went to the offsite), then a lovely trip to Korea to see my college roommate Michelle (hopefully North Korea will be good while I am there), and finally a relaxing vacation in Thailand for the New Year. Pictures and stories are coming right up...after my January 11th final deadline.
Write to you soon!
Saturday, November 27, 2010
Once Upon a Time in Mumbai, Part II

- The slum is huge. This particular slum had close to 1M people in less than 1 square mile. I have been told that more than 50% of Mumbai's 25M people live in slums like this...a bit harrowing, but I believe it given how crowded it was.
- This place is a bustling hub of industry. They export something like $700M worth of goods from the slum, some of it around the world. We were able to walk through tanneries, sewing shops, and recycling plants as part of the tour. My original idea of a slum as a place where extremely poor/homeless people live was way off. Not only is this place full of businesses, but it is pretty expensive to live there. People have to pay high rents and often are not able to afford bringing their families from the villages-- they go home to visit on vacation at some point during the year.
- Families do live there...and sometimes live pretty well. I was originally a bit scared to go down some of these dark, twisty passages filled with people and precarious buildings. But when I looked inside the doors, I saw things reminiscent of home...including TVs with cable. So weird.
Even though it was a bit hot and a bit overwhelming at times, I am glad I did the tour. I feel like I am a much more knowledgeable person (I know, not hard, right?) and have seen parts of Mumbai that I never thought I would get a glimpse into. I recommend the tour to anyone who comes to India.To end my trip on a bit less philosophical note, below are pictures of all the food I ate post-tour (really, walking around works up an appetite for Mumbai specialties) and a nice final view of the city. See you soon Mumbai!

Wednesday, November 10, 2010
Once Upon a Time in Mumbai, Part I

On my first day in town, Ruchi and I were tourists of the first order despite the hot and humid weather (it’s like Florida there!). I took out my Lonely Plant guidebook, and we proceeded to check off places on the Colaba and on Marine Drive. We took fun pictures with the the humungous and crowded Victoria Train Terminal, the Taj hotel (where Obama would be staying two days later), the Gateway of India, and, of course, we took the prerequisite sunset picture from the posh lounge Dome at the top of the Intercontinental Hotel. We topped our day off with Diwali fireworks at the Cricket Club of India (where Ruchi's dad is a member)!

Short interlude: as some of you know, Obama has been stalking me for a while now. He flew into Mumbai two days after I did and left for Delhi on the same afternoon as me. Jeesh—if he just wanted to hang out, he could have put something on my calendar—he didn’t have to close down half the city during their most important holiday. But really: Obama’s arrival in Mumbai was slightly disastrous for my vacation plans (and Bombay residents' Diwali plans). I wasn’t able to go to the Taj for tea or Bollywood dancing at the hit night clubs in South Mumbai. “It was badly done, indeed, Obama!"
Friday was Diwali so I went to two prayer sessions, called pujas, with Ruchi’s family, one in her father’s office and one before dinner. After dinner we went to a card party, where we played 3 patti, a game similar to poker. You play these games over Diwali because the holiday is devoted to Lakshmi, the goddess of wealth. I must have pissed her off as I proceeded to lose 300 rupees. Please note my lovely outfit and matching hot pink nails…I was all decked out in bright colors for the holiday. To be continued….

Wednesday, November 3, 2010
Happy Diwali!

Sunday, October 17, 2010
I'm legal!

Given as I am self-centered, I declared it a birthweek and held 3 parties and made another one my own. Wednesday during the day, my team surprised me with a pizza party where they proceeded to embarrass me by showing a slideshow they created of me doing ridiculous things in pictures...turns out I take a lot of ridiculous pictures. My team is very cheeky (as my British friend says) and sweet. On Wednesday night, the expats and some Bainees accompanied me to Smokehouse Grille, one of the only place you can get steak in Delhi. I think it tasted all the better since I can't get it anywhere (plus I got to be a bit of a rebel for eating steak on India). Now I only need to figure out where I can get key lime pie. Anyways, below are some pictures from that party. We ended up going downstairs and dancing to hip hop music (Wednesday night is hip hop night at Smokehouse). I literally danced the night away and only went to bed at 4AM...the next day at work was very productive as I am sure you can imagine.

Thursday, October 14, 2010
On livestock

Here’s a good example of my interaction with cows. These animals are like rats here—they are ALL over the place. You are not supposed to kill cows in Hinduism (like pigs for Muslims and Cheeseburgers for Jews); in Delhi, it is actually ILLEGAL to slaughter a cow…yay separation of church and state. Because of this, the cows are always in the road. I have already seen one accident when a cow took out a motorbike—cow and driver went flying and traffic stopped. I can’t count the number of traffic jams caused by cows hanging out in the middle of the road. Vinod, my driver, loves to see my reaction to these animals. The picture below is an encounter with a cow in Jaipur: I can’t tell who looks more disturbed, me or the cow. One other story: my friend Altaf likes to point at the cows and yell “steak” and both of us have pretended to chase one down the street with fork and knife in hand—yay weird Muslim-Christian jokes!

So…me and the goat. I have a history with goats. My childhood friend Megan Williamson had three of these creatures, and I have distinct memory of one of them butting me. It hurt…a lot. So when I was climbing down from a waterfall in the Himalayas at McLeod Ganj, I was not so excited to see a goat blocking the path forward. Just to give you an idea of the situation: there is only a narrow ledge and then a drop down to the bottom of the water fall. And on that narrow ledge is a goat eating his lunch. Josh quickly scampered by and then did not offer any help (so nice!). He did, however, snap this picture as I tried to sneak cautiously by the snacking goat. I was terrified this goat was going to butt me all the way down the waterfall as I am sure you can see in my facial expression. I think the goat was annoyed I disturbed his lunch.